Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cystitis More Condition_treatment Cloudy Urine, Very Slight Cystitis-like Pain, And More Vaginal Discharge?

Cloudy urine, very slight cystitis-like pain, and more vaginal discharge? - cystitis more condition_treatment

Ideas? It is very unlikely that an STI, I made a sexual health check are (Full In addition to the blood test) in October and another rack (only) in early December. I have recently changed sexual partners.

What are other reasons for these symptoms, with the exception of sexual transmission?


Christma... said...

Well, you can turbid urine through a change of diet or amount of liquid that caused the significant, since most coffee or soda instead of water.

The pain and the discharge could be a yeast infection, women can develop without a partner. A yeast infection is a venereal disease to be transmitted to people who may have a yeast infection. It could also simply a bacterial infection caused by an imbalance that could be brushed or showering occurs.

If you have a good health of your OB / GYN, I would not worry too much, so watch your diet. If it really is bad, I suggest you go to your doctor and tell them that their specific symptoms.

Shannon P said...

It can have many causes. , Infectious disease of yeast infection, maybe your partner with someone else without your knowledge. I would definitely check out. At least talk to your doctor.

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