Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fixing A Sink Fountain Faucet How Do I Fix Take Apart My Vessell Sink Faucet That Leaks?

How do i fix take apart my vessell sink faucet that leaks? - fixing a sink fountain faucet

This is a kind of grip.
Google search for:
Source Book bamboo vessel faucet brass

Escape from the top handle and I really do not know what to do to disarm it and fix it.

Please help. I have it from, so I can remove it again.


peanutbr... said...

Try to get the cap (the entire top of the handle, attaches to Off). The cartridge must be singled out.
This key can be a ceramic cartridge, or may be a clone of the Delta style. If a cassette and you get a replacement. If you have a Delta-style ball pens and pads to get a conversion kit.

If you were one of the parties much easier.

Cap'n One-Aye said...

Somewhere near the top of the center pole is a screw to solve, you do not (remove) and the lever position to lift. Since water is a mixer or a ball, the distraction that allows the flow of hot or cold water in relation to the position of the handle. O-rings are bad. Go to your local hardware store and get an exact replacement, about $ 8.00 (U.S.) and put the key back together. If you get cold water to hot water, turn the valve again.

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