Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Calories In Golden Raisins How Can Anyone Stick To This Diet? I'm Freakin' Hungry!?

How can anyone stick to this diet? I'm freakin' hungry!? - calories in golden raisins

Breakfast: 1 small bowl of Smart Start cereal, with 10 golden raisins and a little milk to 2%.

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Any Entree

Dinner: Lean Cuisine Any Entree

Just before lunch I'm starving. After dinner, I am a full-time, then I'm hungry again. I arrived a few hours after eating, but I woke up at midnight because my stomach growls so loud and embarrassing!

Yes, I am drinking water in the middle. I've tried a small salad for dinner yesterday, adding that helped a little, but today I have a lean cuisine for lunch was, and in this time together and went to Quiznos for a snack! If, perhaps, some benefits could be obtained, but sold no place near here, the. The only other option was McD.
Well, if anyone has any suggestions, what would not be so hungry while reducing calories, I am glad to hear. Thank you!

Hunger leaves, binging on, I try to avoid. By the way, I lost 7 pounds in 11 days elapsed between the start of my diet, I know it works.

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